The first book in our series will be free June 23, 24, 25. You can click here to get it.
I think I’ve decided on an ending for Book 5, I wanted more to happen, but guess it isn’t going to unless it goes really long (more than 100k words), so I decided to just end it at a good point (a nice climax) and then start working on the next. Who knows I may even finish it this coming week. Got a note from my editor the next round is going nicely, I’m getting kind of anxious, but I guess that’s something that goes with it.
It’s been awhile since I’ve given you my word count –
Friday – 3600
Saturday – 3721
Sunday – 3612
Monday – 3600
Tuesday – 3608
Weds. – Combine
Thursday – Combine
Friday – 3511
Saturday – 3500
Sunday – 3531
On the two combine days, I took parts from a previous stories and put them in a different point of view. Something new, different and I found it to be fun.