Hope your week is going well. We had a couple of good free days, better than the first time and that was what we were looking for. If you’re interested let us know and we’ll give you some stats.
We have started our part of the edits on book 4 – The Nest. I got word from my editor she was almost done with the second part of her edits for book 3, so that should be out as scheduled in August.
I think I have about 40 thousand words left to go for book 6.
++++ Minor Spoiler Alert ++++
Isaac has his Reckoning in book 6. I enjoyed writing that thread of the novel quite a bit, more than I thought I would. We still have the Wine and the Wake portion of the book to go. I don’t want to make the book too long, I guess I’ll just write it and see where my characters take me, they always have a way of surprising me.
Whatever you’re doing, I hope you have a great day.