Category Archives: Uncategorized


picsI just wanted to give you a quick update of what we’ve been up to lately.

  1. Got a check from James Bell yesterday, I contributed to his book that will be coming out – I think sometime this Summer, “Jesus Talked to Me”. I am supposed to be getting an advance copy and I’ll post a review when I’ve finished reading it.
  2. We’re continuing to write – my goal this year is a thousand words a day (every day) and so far we’ve kept that up.
  3. In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be working on making a paperback of The Incident with black and white images, that should bring the cost of the paperback down quite a bit. I knew that adding color images would cause the price to increase a bit, but I was wrong, it made it much more expensive.
  4. Dad continues to do well – his 80th birthday is this week and we’ll be celebrating!

How to Order the Incident

dad-signingWe have several different ways you can order The Incident. A couple of notes first:

1. With Amazon I have a minimum amount I can charge. I have used the minimum for the soft cover and it is still expensive, because of the color images.
2. The ebook will be free, probably in the middle of November and then after Christmas. Follow my facebook page and you’ll find the latest updates and when prices change. Here is the link to the FB page –

If you’re local and buy the book, Dad would be happy to sign a copy for you. You can find him at the Hazard Nursing Home, every Weds., around 1:30pm, and at the Bulan Community Baptist Church at 9:30 am every Sunday morning.

From Amazon –

Ebook – $4.99. Click here to order.
If you’re a member of Amazon Prime you can read it for FREE.

The paperback / softcover with full color images. $42.38 – Click Here to Order.

From Lulu –

You can order a hardback from Lulu. The hardback has black and white images. $29.89 – Click Here to Order.

If you order from Lulu, the book has to be printed first and then is shipped. You can get discounts from Lulu if you sign up for their newsletter.

I have written several other books – you can find those here.

From Me –

Currently I have FIVE paperback books in stock – started out with TEN today. You can order using the link below, or you can leave me a message on Facebook.

We’ll get Dad to sign them, then either you pick them up, or we’ll ship them.

Paperback Copy – you pick up – $30.00 –  (the order will be processed through Paypal – Tisa Enterprises is the name of our company)

After we get them signed, the next Saturday we’ll be at the Perry County Library for a couple of hours in the morning. You can pick the book up then (or at the Nursing Home / Bulan Church).

Paperback Copy – shipped – insured with tracking – $40.00
Choose Pickup or Ship – Then Click “Add to Cart” – Need more than 1? Change the Quantity in the box and then choose update.

Pickup or Ship

Questions – send me a note.

We currently have five paperback books in stock.






Update on The Incident

Wanted to give you a quick update on the progress of “The Incident” here is the cover. We’re in the final stages of editing then we’ll be formatting and send it for a proof copy from the printers. I hope to get that finished this week.


New member of the family and notes on latest WIP

Hope your Summer is going well. I can’t believe that it is already July, it is speeding by so fast.

riley-1My daughter Haley brought the newest member of our family to our house this past weekend. She named him Riley and he is a stinker!! We took him for his second vet visit yesterday, and he slept through the whole thing. All of our other dogs really hate to go to the vet, they are whining and carrying on. Sawyer the Schnauzer climbs in my lap. Riley was not impressed at all.

We’re continuing to edit the 12 Guardians, we’ve also started on our latest book, which is a story about my Dad. As you know he was injured last October, was in ICU for a month or so, we spent from Oct 19th to Jan 22nd in one healtchare facility or another. We had twice a week rehab for a couple of months after that and today is preaching and almost back to his old routine. Next week he plans on flying to Oregon. We’ll be telling our families story and hopefully someone may get some comfort and / or hope from it.

What have you been up to this summer?

June Update – What we’ve been up to

It feels like summer here in Kentucky. Temps in the afternoon hover around 100 on my back porch and the humidity feels like it is that high as well.

We’re continue to work on reading (and taking notes) for the first five books. The reason we’re doing that is so that we don’t make any goofs in the future books. It is time consuming, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

Also we’ve started working on a new project, we’re going to be writing a book about my Dad (a nonfiction one), I’ve had more than a few requests to do that and so we are doing it.

I hope you’re enjoying your summer!

A contract

contract-headerSo the contract has arrived. The book will be published October / November of this year. Don’t worry I’ll make sure to post a link. It was pretty standard, giving them the rights to the little story in any type of book / audio. I keep the rights to any movie deals :-). Like I mentioned before the main reason I did this was to get some new eyes looking at the 12 Guardians, we’ll see if my experiment works or not.

The lady I’ve been working with also explained that while they have the rights to the story I’ve written, they don’t have the rights to the experience, the thing that happened to me when I was seven, which the story is based on. This made me feel much better.

This week I’ve also started reviewing the first books of my series, this is to make sure that I don’t goof in future books. If things go according to plans then we’ll start editing book six in July. Enjoy your week!

Books 1 – 3 Free and How to Win a Copy of the Paperback

Trying to tickle my Mom's feet - she was poking me in the ribs.
Trying to tickle my Mom’s feet – she was poking me in the ribs.

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. This weekend (Friday – Sunday) in honor of Mother’s Day ( I love my Mom!) we’re giving away a digital copy of our book – 12 Guardians – the first three. You can find it here.

We’ll also be giving away a paperback copy of the book, to enter do the following.

1. Go to our facebook page –
2. Like and Share the first post – it’s the one that begins with this “Starting today through the weekend,”
3. On Monday we’ll have a random drawing. We’ll notify you of who wins on that post (in the comments). You’ll message me with your name and address and we’ll use Amazon to send you a free copy of this –

I hope you have a great weekend – Hug your Mom!

A Quick Update

popsI just wanted to give you a quick update.

On October 18th my Dad had a accident. He cracked his skull, broke 5 ribs, and cracked two vertebraes in his back. Since then he has spent some time in the local hospital, then was flown to a larger hospital in Lexington KY. He spent some time on the vent, had surgery on his back, and is now stable. Currently he is off the vent, he has a trach, and NG tube for feeding he is more alert now, but it has been a slow process and will continue to be a marathon instead of a sprint.

I am continuing to write, although the process is a bit slower. I hope that soon he will be doing his physical therapy (in patient) at a local hospital. If that happens it would make it much easier since we don’t have to travel two hours (one way) to see him.

In this month of Thankfulness, I’m thankful that he is still alive, and that we have been surrounded by a host of friends, family, loved ones who have supported us every step of the way. I can’t ask for anything more.

I will keep you posted as things happen. I had planned on having Book 6 finished, the editing for it hasn’t started yet. For those of you waiting I thank you for your patience.

Book 5 is Free Today and Tomorrow

12 Guardians: AbrahamGood morning. Just wanted to remind you that Book 5 of our 12 Guardian Series is free today for those of you with Kindle (our using an I-pad you can use the kindle App).

We’re continuing to write book 9. Currently we’re at about 80,000 words. It’s not winding down yet, so not sure how long it will be. We should be finished with it in March.

We’ve started edits on Book 6 of our series. I’m not sure what the title is going to be yet.

We have thawed out for a few days. I can see the ground again, tomorrow we’re supposed to have severe storms and it’s supposed to be 70 degrees, then next week we go back into the freezer. Whenever I think that Spring is never going to get here, I’m reminded of the promise that God gave to Noah.

Genesis 8:22

King James Version (KJV)

22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Enjoy your week!

12 Guardians The First Three Free

Free books
Free books (Photo credit: randomduck)

Today and tomorrow, the first three books in our series is free. (Feb. 3rd and 4th).

Here is the link to check out the book – Click Me.

A reminder – Book 5 Abraham: In the Beginning is available here.

Thanks again for your support, encouragement and for reading our books.

Reminder – if you have any friends who like to read, share this page with them.

Enjoy your Monday!!