Category Archives: Uncategorized

Book 5 – Notes

snowMore snow here, also a little below zero this morning. I guess this winter means business.

A couple of notes –

Final edits have started, should have those finished and hopefully hit publish next week. Please notice I said if everything goes well. I’ve been editing since Monday, just been kind of crazy around here to post anything.

Also we’ll have for you a complete listing of when ebooks will be free. I’ll put that list out when we hit the publish button.

I’m writing book 9 – hit the 50k mark yesterday, and I’m still working on the first major thread. Normally what I do is write the main plot lines (threads) of the story and then weave them in when I’m editing them.

I hope you all are as excited as I am.

Enjoy the rest of your HuMp DaY!!

Some news about book 5, 6 and 8. Plus Hardbacks

Crop of original painting "Anbetung der H...
Crop of original painting “Anbetung der Hirten” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Busy here, hope you are having an awesome day. I can’t believe in a week (little over) it will be Christmas. We’ve been busy here to.

Book 5 – first rounds of edits, should be done by the weekend. When I get the text back, it normally takes me a week to go through it, make changes and then send it out. Still looking good for a Feb. release.

Book 6 – doing red edits now. Normally when I write, I pound hard on the keyboard, when I need to put information in that I don’t know I put in a question mark, then highlight the question mark with red. When I do the editing, first I read through it once to make sure I haven’t completely forgotten about something. Next I take care of anything I might have forgotten, then I do the “red” edits, filling in the information I left out. Then one more edit before it’s ready to go to the real editor. So this week I should be done with the red edits. I will wait for book 5 to come back and then will do the final edits on Book 6.

Book 8 – At about 120k word now. Just wrapping up some things. Should have that done this week. Then I think I need to add a short, otherwise book 9 would be 200k words, and then start working on book 9.

I also think, from not till Christmas I will work on getting hardback copies of my first two paperbacks done. I’m thinking of including some maps in those, what else should I include.

Book 8 Finished – Book 4 Paperback available – more stuff

12 Guardians - The Nest Paperback
12 Guardians – The Nest Paperback

Today is one of my favorite days of the week, it may be because a character in one of my books is a camel – you haven’t meet her yet, but I think you’ll like her.

Wrote the last sentence in Book 8 today. I’ll be spending the next three or four days going back over it, adjusting and weaving the threads together and then set it aside to give it a more full edit later. That means hopefully I’ll be starting on Book 9 on Monday. I say hopefully because we may be getting some nasty winter weather (I don’t mind snow, but hate Ice) over the weekend.

Book 4 is now available as a paperback on Amazon with the cool new cover (at least it is better than the ugly one). You can find it at the link below.

12 Guardians – The Nest – Book 4 (plus Austin) (Volume 4)

Books 2 and 3 are on sale for 99 cents. I tried to put book 1 on sale but it didn’t work. The easiest thing to do is go to my Author page, and you can do that from here –

Author Page

Enjoy your day.

A Christmas present for your friends

Hope your week is going well. It’s been a busy time around here.

Currently we’re editing Book 4 the paperback edition. We should have it finished this week, we’ll post a note here when it’s available on Amazon.

We’ve also been writing Book 8 – currently we’re getting pretty close to 100k words. We should be finished with it by mid December.

If you enjoy our books, why not share them with your friends, or if you would like a hardback copy of our book, then you may be interested in this.


Also I would like to introduce the newest member of our family – all 2.1 pounds. His name is Stitch.


Productive Week – Book 4 Final Edits, Book 7 Done, Started Book 8

Edits-Disruption (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A good week.

Finished writing book 7. Started writing book 8 today (yipee). Book 7 is the longest so far, I think around 140,000 words or so. I noramlly like to set the book aside and let it rest for a bit.

The best news though is got the middle edits in from book 4 and so the final edits will be hopefully done within the next week or two. Again I am super excited. If you haven’t done it yet, it is so very cool to see how the words change from the first time you wrote them, to the final words you see on the page.

As normal for Book 8 I have a rough outline in mind, things that need to happen during the book (I actually have things outlined [roughly] through book 12).

I have also been working on getting the website tweaked a bit, hope that by next week you’ll be able to buy the books from here, if you wish.

I’ll be finishing my part of the edits this weekend, so I’ll be busy, but hope you enjoy yours no matter what you are doing.

Book 2 – John the Baptist is Available Now

12Guardians2-finalsmallBook 2, John the Baptist is finished and available for you to purchase.

It’s been a busy week.

Finished up the cover design and the blurb. Also finished my first pass edits for book 3, sent that to the Editor.

Also completed writing on Book 5 and started writing Book 6. on Monday.

If you’re a writer and need some motivation there is still time to join camp Nanowrimo.

So been busy, the dust should clear out a bit next week and I’ll be able to make a more proper post.