So the first book is up on Amazon. One of the things you want to do as an author is work on getting accepted into Amazon’s Affiliate Program. I’m waiting on that before I put up the book links here. Approval takes 24 hours. Any money I make from that I’ll be reinvesting it with my readers. Hopefully we’ll be able to give some gift certificates away before Christmas.
The last week has been a flurry of activity. Here’s what you want to make sure you have ready when you submit your book.
1. Title
2. Categories
3. Keywords
4. Cover
5. Description
6. Price
7. To KDP or no KDP
Since I have some free time now, before I start editing my 3rd book. We’ll have a post every day talking about each of those points.
We’re making some good progress on Book 4. Here’s what we’ve written over the past few days.
Weds. – 3759
Thursday – 3554
Friday – 3634
Saturday – 3619
Sunday – 3561
Monday – 3658
Tuesday – 3508