Hope your summer is going well. I wanted to give you a quick update on what has been going on.
I finished writing Book 10 about 120,000 words or so at the end of June. I did the rough edits for Book 9. I’m going to be taking the month of July off from writing, just so I can focus on earning some extra money so August / September I can get book 6 edited. Also I’ll be going through the first four books, making sure that my notes all jive and that I don’t have anything I need to make sure and have in books 11 and 12 (besides the things I already have planned ;o)).
If you have already read our books and haven’t yet posted a review on Amazon, please do so right now, while you’re thinking about it. The more reviews we get, the better it is for all of us (especially if you like our books).
We’ll be having more freebies in July, if you have friends make sure they follow us on Facebook, so they’ll know when they are free. Here are the tentative dates.
July 18-19 Books 1-3
July 25 – 26 Book 4
August 1 – 2 Book 5.
My Dad is also on vacation during July and I have the opportunity to preach for him a couple of Sundays. You can check out the message from last Sunday if you wish – The Prize Egg or Being Content.
Enjoy your summer!